And Then the Rain Came

And Then the Rain Came
Saturday 15th June, 2019
Day 36

Location: Indianapolis to Richmond, IN
Distance: 73 miles.
Temp: 60 - 62 F rain
Dew point:  ---
    Winds:  non-issue
Cumulative climbing distance:  1,598 ft
Cumulative descending distance:  1,289 ft


We started in the rain and biked the entire day in the rain.  The last 20 miles in heavy rain.  We have been fortunate on the trip to this point.  We had rain (and snow) on 3 occasions prior to today.  Each time the rain only last a few hours.  Today, however, not so lucky.  7 hours of rain and splashing thru water puddles.  Even though I had some rainwear, by the end, not a dry spot anywhere.
Biking to right of the white highway line, thru the puddles and raindrops.

One of the pluses (or minuses) of the trip is that we must move regardless of the weather conditions (or sightseeing opportunities) everyday with the exception of the 5 rest days.
The new wheels functioned well.  The only issue today was a rear flat tire, which meant a 20 minute tire repair in the heavy rain.  The tally on flat tires is now Ken 8 and Judi 5.  The one positive outcome of the flat was that after the repair I was highly motivated to bike the remaining 18 miles to today’s destination quickly as I was cold and wet.


Given the rain, little opportunity for photos today.

 The town of Greenfield, about 25 miles east of Indianapolis, used about 50 old bikes as street art flower planters.  Many with signs for local non-profit organizations.
Home owners in other small towns used old bikes for lawn art.

Biked on US Route 40 east from Indianapolis.  This highway is designated as the Historical National Road.  The National Road (also known as the Cumberland Road) ran from Baltimore to Vandalia, IL and was built between 1806 and 1837.  It was a main transport path to the West.


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