Friday 28th June, 2019
Day 49
Temp: 62 - 87 F sunny
Dew point: 61 F
Cumulative climbing distance: 591 ft
Cumulative descending distance: 741 ft
As we shared our excitement at
the beach, we all mentioned that we thought about Tom G., the rider who
unfortunately crashed in Vermont and was about to be released from the hospital for a trip back to Ohio and additional treatment.
After 48 days, it is difficult
to describe the euphoric feeling that overcame us as we reached our final
destination - Revere Beach. All the
riders had big smiles as we rode. We had
reached the Atlantic Ocean – after travelling 3440 miles from our start at the Pacific
Ocean. 48 days of travelling across our
BIG, beautiful, diverse country. And we
had experienced more extreme weather than any prior CrossRoads trip during the
past 21 years.
Friday 28th June, 2019
Day 49
Burlington to Revere Beach, MA
18 miles.Temp: 62 - 87 F sunny
Dew point: 61 F
Winds: calm
Cumulative descending distance: 741 ft
The weather was perfect for our
final day of riding and arrival at the beach.
Temps in the 60’s and sunny. A fog
bank was attempting to roll in as we arrived at the beach. I am certain that the water temp was quite
cold but, as we were so elated about the successful completion of our journey,
I do not recall even standing in cold water. A few riders did jump into the ocean, bikes and
all, but we were not quite that adventuresome.
The experience is difficult to
explain in a few words. The camaraderie
and friendship that had developed within the group was evident at the award
banquet on Thursday and throughout the ride on Friday. We did it!
The experience meant something
different to each rider, but completing the adventure proved to be exhilarating
and rewarding for all of us. It taught
us all something about ourselves regarding embarking on such an audacious adventure
and having the fortitude and perseverance to then successfully achieve
completion. And maintain one focus over a 7 week period especially during adverse conditions, and actually over a 7 month period if one counts the training.
As we had said at the beginning
of our trip and used as the title of this blog:
“If life was easy, where would all
the adventure be?” We did have one
hell of an adventure and, at times (many times), it was not easy.

Working on daily blog.
Getting ready for last ride.
Last departure.
Three of the miles were on a community bike trail. For a moment I thought I was in China where this is a typical scene.
Community bike trail.
First view of the Atlantic Ocean.
Arriving at Revere Beach.
Wheel dip.
Final group photo.
It all began with the first ride in February.
And then the wheel dip in the Pacific Ocean.
Completed route map.
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